Adam Goucher

Canadians are generally polite to a fault. We don’t want to offend so we often couch negative feedback. It can make for a pleasant and cordial environment but I often get frustrated in a corporate culture when brutal honestly would be a far better approach.

I hired Adam on as Manager of Quality when working at Zerofootprint. To this day testing is my software weak spot. I loathe having to write test code as it’s not as meaty as the code that actually “does stuff”. Adam’s strength is being able to tell you how you’re not checking your software for all the ways in which users can break it. His superpower is being brutally honest about the state of your software.

Adam will probably be the first to tell you that not only is he honest about software quality but may come across as the company curmudgeon. Corporate culture can often be a little too rah rah when it comes to boosting employee moral about the work that it’s accomplishing. We want to lift the spirits of our co-workers and be encouraging. We’re often stressed and we enjoy positive feedback and hope we’re making a change for the better. I always enjoyed Adam’s software quality feedback because it reminded me of how far we had to go in order to build truly great software. I still think of Adam often if I’m cutting testing corners. Deep down all developers know they can do better.

Adam excels at automated testing with tools like Selenium, and continuous integration with extensive experience on platforms like AWS. If you’re looking for an totally honest assessment of your software quality and testing process, and want coaching on how to level up Adam is there to be frank with you. It’s why he’s one of #My52.

LinkedIn: /adamgoucher

Twitter: @adamgoucher


Michael Glenn
Father, husband, son, grandson, brother, programmer, entrepreneur, photographer, DJ, chef, sailor, mountain biker. Software management consulting.

Leila Boujnane


Simon Foster