Simon Foster

One of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever received is to ask more questions of people than information you give of yourself. I don’t always remember to follow this advice but I’ve found it’s Simon Foster’s secret weapon when you’re having a conversation with him.

Networking and business relationships have not been my strong suit. I tend to lean toward the introverted side. I’m fine one on one, in a small dinner party or even speaking to a crowd. But if you drop me into an event or 15 or more people I’m conversationally challenged. I’m impressed by people like Simon who seem to excel at working a room and making the individual they’re speaking with feel like they have their attention. 

Simon generally cares about the individuals he works with. When starting Chatter I was privileged to be able to weigh in on some technical hires Simon was reviewing. He was not only concerned about their technical competence and experience but the type of person they would be to work with. 

I was very impressed with his launch of Chatter and the success that the company has realized over the last few years, especially during the challenging times that physical retail has had with COVID-19. It’s a deceptively simply customer interaction that provides great insight into customer interactions. It’s no surprise that Simon would have started a company that helps retail empathize with their customers. That’s why he’s a part of #My52.

LinkedIn: /sifoster

Web: ChatterResearch

Michael Glenn
Father, husband, son, grandson, brother, programmer, entrepreneur, photographer, DJ, chef, sailor, mountain biker. Software management consulting.

Adam Goucher


David Crow