Elie Afif

Before remote work was necessary I contracted a few developers. There is very little in my profession that actually warrants face to face contact even though it’s more sociable. One of the remote developers was Elie. Elie was often in Toronto when working on projects with me but amazingly I have only met Elie face to face on one occasion.

He helped work on a few different Ruby on Rails development project while also building up his own startup, Embodia. Elie is one of the most capable and professional developers I’ve had the pleasure to work with. Based on a few previous experiences I had thought working remotely would be a significant challenge but Elie made the interaction as efficient if not more so than a traditional in person engagement.

When hiring people, I want someone who is more capable than I am at development and Elie didn’t disappoint. It was always gratifying when I learned something new that Elie had contributed to the project. He always delivered what he committed to and brought an air of confidence to the project which made me feel much better about the code we were deploying.

Elie eventually needed to move on and focus on his startup. It was a loss for my team but I was glad to see that Elie was able to work full time on his own endeavour. He’s definitely on my dream team list should the opportunity arise again and it’s why he’s on #My52.

LinkedIn: /elie-afif

Web: Embodia

Michael Glenn
Father, husband, son, grandson, brother, programmer, entrepreneur, photographer, DJ, chef, sailor, mountain biker. Software management consulting.

Jeff Mayhew


Steven Lemay