Jeff Mayhew

A few years ago, Poul Nielsen invited me to join a Mastermind group. It was five entrepreneurs that would meet monthly to review their ongoing challenges and goals. The meeting was to hold each other accountable but also to have an understanding on how to work though challenges.

One of the team members was Jeff Mayhew. Jeff owns retail display manufacturing business, typically making in-store product stands and signage. He had purchased the business from the previous owner years prior when he was a manager.

What fascinated me about Jeff every time we met was how calm he was. Not only was Jeff trying to figure out a business he had purchased but he and his wife had seven children with one more on the way! They were clearly people who didn’t get too overwhelmed and it came across in his demeanour.

When Jeff broached challenges he was facing with the group it was accompanied by an attitude that he would figure it out. The challenges at times seemed almost insurmountable but Jeff would find a creative way to leverage his assets and frequently came out the other side with more than he expected and a new perspective on advantages his business could offer to customers.

Despite his overwhelming responsibilities, Jeff is always offering to help others. At the start of COVID-19, Jeff’s business used its manufacturing assets to produce face shields when there were shortages. He’s the type of person who’s always asking “How can I help”. It’s a standout quality of many of My 52 members.

I take inspiration from Jeff’s optimism when there is a challenge. He doesn’t let emotions overwhelm him and calmly works the problem to make himself and the business stronger. It’s why he’s on #My52.

LinkedIn: /jeff-mayhew-7b5a93b

Web: Design Plastics International

Michael Glenn
Father, husband, son, grandson, brother, programmer, entrepreneur, photographer, DJ, chef, sailor, mountain biker. Software management consulting.

Matt Rintoul


Elie Afif