Glain Roberts-McCabe


I used to think coaches in business were a bit of snake oil. I now know that everyone could use a great coach. 

I was fortunate enough when at Torstar Digital to participate in the Executive Roundtable program by Glain Roberts-McCabe. She has made it her mission to improve executives through both one on one and group coaching.

I would always look forward to the evenings when our coaching group would get together. Glain was bringing a tremendous amount of energy and positivity to the sessions. The act of employing a group made your struggles relatable and forms a professional bond with those you went through the program with. I still meet regularly with the members of my Roundtable group. 

We were respectively held accountable during our sessions. Glain lets you know that this is still work. You have to show up and confront your challenges if the process is going to work. I was held to these same standards for one on one sessions. She walked you through your internal monologue to find your values and your truth. 

I eventually learned in my career that understanding your values and viewing your co-workers or anyone, through their set of values, is an incredible way to clarify a relationship.

I was happy to see Glain release her book Did I Really Sign Up For This? It’s a great overview of her lessons and is useful as a refresher for our time together. She also published The Grassroots Leadership Revolution last year. It’s a DIY program to help leaders start their own groups.

Thank you Glain for helping me improve my career and everyone who has benefitted from your leadership development.

Website: The Roundtable

Linked In: Glain

Twitter: @heyroundtable

Michael Glenn
Father, husband, son, grandson, brother, programmer, entrepreneur, photographer, DJ, chef, sailor, mountain biker. Software management consulting.

Sandu Rajapakse


Oliver Meyn