Oliver Meyn


Back in 2008 I met a very serious and very savvy developer. Oliver Meyn quickly became one of the best developers I have every had the pleasure of working with.

Software developers tend to be analytical people, but Oliver has always been incredibly thoughtful and meticulous about his development methodologies. It’s refreshing to work with someone who’s work you have tremendous respect for and confidence in. 

I have always enjoyed thoughtful conversations with Oliver. During our tenure together, we and colleagues participated with him on deep dives into software architecture. He takes time with team members to work though problems and challenges you to develop the best possible solution to the problem. Software architecture and development when it’s done thoughtfully can be incredibly enjoyable. Oliver makes you want to elevate your game and reminds you why you enjoy developing software.

Oliver was also one of a few people who convinced me to finally take up road cycling and I’ve been a convert ever since. I don’t think I’ll ever be quite as passionate about cycling as him though. He  has many stories of epic cycling locations he’s visited in Europe relating to the Tour De France. 

I’m  incredibly lucky to have worked with Oliver and continue to be impressed by his work. I’m proud to add him to My52.

Michael Glenn
Father, husband, son, grandson, brother, programmer, entrepreneur, photographer, DJ, chef, sailor, mountain biker. Software management consulting.

Glain Roberts-McCabe


Anna Petosa