Anna Petosa


When I started working for larger companies I naively assumed Human Resources was a resource for the humans that worked there. At most companies I’ve worked for, Human Resources’ primary function was to protect the company. 

When I started working at TorStar Digital my impression of HR was very different. Led by Anna Petosa, HR had a coherent and recurring playbook on getting the best out of employees. Anna and her team constantly engaged employees and adopted strategies to encourage them to recognize their peers on an ongoing basis. They ensured there were social events at least once a month that bonded the team. A good company culture wasn’t just lip service and I strongly believe it increased retention and made it easy for employees to recommend working at TorStar Digital.

I always appreciated Anna’s professionalism in holding employees accountable to the goals of the company but also respecting the employees as trusted partners in achieving those goals. Quarterly goal setting and peer reviews were mandated. She also ensured that as a senior manager my goals were met so my team was well supported. I’m extremely grateful for Anna encouraging me to take an executive coaching course the company offered. It provided me with a huge support during my time at TorStar and taught me a lot about my effectiveness as a leader.

Anna is an executive that champions a positive corporate culture and exemplifies what People Operations should be. It’s a lesson I’ve taken since working with her and is why she’s a part of My52.

LinkedIn: /anna-petosa

Twitter: @apetosa

Michael Glenn
Father, husband, son, grandson, brother, programmer, entrepreneur, photographer, DJ, chef, sailor, mountain biker. Software management consulting.

Oliver Meyn


Vikrant Duggal