Vikrant Duggal


There are several people in My52 that have an amazing level of energy. Vik is one of those people. It’s the level of energy and positivity that inspires you to be better. To strive for more.

Vik has built a deep career in sales and growth. The longer I get to know his history the more I’m impressed by how he has thought methodically about building his career and asking the right questions. It’s led him to consulting, coaching and managing partner at NextGen Venture Partners. 

I know the value of having a great coach so it was inevitable that I would enrol in Vik’s Coaching Club. He helped to clarify what I have to offer after many years in software development and how to start to go after it. If you have valuable career experience that you want to leverage into consulting I highly recommend following Vik on social media and giving his Consulting Club serious consideration. The material and the community have been a fantastic resource.

Vik has been a great counsel when I’ve had to think through challenges and opportunities in my career. He has a wonderful way of making you clarify your goals and being incredibly positive and encouraging while simultaneously providing the truth you need.

LinkedIn: /vikduggal

Twitter: @vikdug

Michael Glenn
Father, husband, son, grandson, brother, programmer, entrepreneur, photographer, DJ, chef, sailor, mountain biker. Software management consulting.

Anna Petosa


Lee Dale