Jeff Conlin


Everyone should have a support network that they check in with regularly.

I was reminded of this when I most recently spoke with Jeff on one of our catch-up calls. Jeff is a good family friend whom I also I attended high school with. We later got to know each other much better through his friendship with my brother in-law. Jeff has forged an impressive career, most notably rising through the ranks of CIBC.

Over the past 16 years I’ve watched Jeff have to take on big responsibilities early in his life and use that same level of forethought through his career . He rose to the occasion and at the same time diligently planned to make sure his family was set for the future. Recently they realized one of Ontario’s great pleasures and purchased a cottage three doors down from where we share ours. It’s a happy place for many and I know Jeff and I share a love for being on the water.

Even before COVID but especially during, Jeff checks in regularly. It’s a call where we are someone to listen to and are supportive of challenges in their life and career. A few weeks ago during one of our calls, Jeff let me know that I was on his informal board of advisors. He has a small group of people that he regularly checks in with. They are a sounding board and a support system for his career and  I suspect in some cases his personal life. I thought this was a fantastic way to look at trusted connections. Each of us should recognize those people that are our closest supports and make sure we check in regularly. It’s good for us and it’s good for them.

Jeff handles challenging situations with prudence, planning and compassion. He thoughtfully approaches challenges and makes you feel at ease when working through problems. Thank you Jeff for being a great support, and for being a part of My52.

LinkedIn: Jeff Conlin

Michael Glenn
Father, husband, son, grandson, brother, programmer, entrepreneur, photographer, DJ, chef, sailor, mountain biker. Software management consulting.

Matt Kantor


Susan Glenn