Jeremy Zuker

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I remember a particularly brutal website outage when I worked as VP Technology at Torstar Digital on WagJag. The site was down which meant we were losing thousands of sales and it was all hands on deck. I had only recently joined the team but the pressure was on as hundreds of employees were wondering when it would come back up. 

My boss and WagJag’s founder Jeremy Zuker casually come over to ask if I needed anything. No yelling, no pressure. He genuinely asked if he could help in any way and if I needed anything. He then left me and the team alone to get it fixed.

Jeremy is now the founder of WhereiPark where I’m the CTO. This scenario has played out from time to time over the years when there is an outage or something needs to get fixed. “How can I help?”. Such a simple phrase, but it encapsulates Jeremy’s modus operandi. 

Jeremy is always calm. I presume he gets angry at times but I’ve never seen him get emotional. Jeremy evaluates the situation, realizes becoming emotional will not help, and calmly directs the problem and focuses on a solution. No drama, no ego. He takes a pragmatic approach to new opportunities and challenges, asking for stakeholder opininos to bring all the team’s talents to bear.

He knows a company is successful by its employees and fosters a work environment that values them. He empowers employees to make decisions, provides everyday comforts to allow us to focus on work and organizes team events that help to strengthen bonds. I’ve had previous positions where the company came first and my family second. Jeremy knows the importance of family and always understands when I need to take time from work to attend to them. That level of understanding is something money can’t buy.

Jeremy is the best person I’ve ever had the pleasure to work for. It’s an absolute privilege to add him to #My52.

LinkedIn: /jeremyzuker

Michael Glenn
Father, husband, son, grandson, brother, programmer, entrepreneur, photographer, DJ, chef, sailor, mountain biker. Software management consulting.

Poul Nielsen


Sandu Rajapakse