John Ogundeji


Before 2019 I would have assumed it was better to hire someone who had graduated from computer science and had job experience than someone who was still in their program. After hiring Nela Jankechova and John Ogundeji for internships, that changed.

In the fall of 2018 I was looking at three Ontario University student programs to hire paid interns at Cannect. University of Western Ontario, my alma mater, University of Toronto and University of Waterloo. Of the three, Waterloo had the easiest and most straightforward program to post a job, screen students, and hire. 

I was late in applying to the program for the Winter session so I was surprised at the amount of applications I received. One of the standout resumes was John’s. 

Cannect’s product is focused on mortgage processing. Being in fintech, John’s dual degree in both computer science and business stood out. John had experience in multiple languages, shell scripting and web development. In addition, John had volunteered at his local soccer club, a computer coding program, and was a camp counsellor with a focus on STEM. The combination of technical skill and communication skills combined with John’s focus on both technology and business made his resume stand out.

John got up to speed quickly at Cannect. He easily learned our processes and code base and although he had no specific Ruby or Rails experience quickly learned the language and framework. John was quick in completing outstanding tasks within a week and gave valuable feedback on our onboarding process. He was providing valuable feedback to the group and was one of the most productive developers I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with during his four months with Cannect.

After Cannect, John did another co-op stint at the Weather Network where he no doubt crossed paths with Anna Petosa. Most recently he secured an Engineering Intern position at one of my favourite companies, Apple. 

I’d highly recommend investing in a co-op student program. It’s good for students and for companies. I’d especially recommend working with John if you get the opportunity. It’s why he’s on My 52.

LinkedIn: john-ogundeji

Michael Glenn
Father, husband, son, grandson, brother, programmer, entrepreneur, photographer, DJ, chef, sailor, mountain biker. Software management consulting.

Gregory Glenn


Nela Jankechova