Rob Hyndman


I met Rob back in the early 2000’s when starting Radiant Core. Rob was a former Bay Street lawyer who believed business was over-lawyered and set out on his own to service technology businesses and startups. Rob became the lawyer for Radiant Core and quickly established himself in the up and coming Toronto tech scene as one of the go to people to cut through the crap and get things done. I was immediately stricken with and  have always enjoyed Rob’s direct and refreshing approach to business. You never felt like you had to parse words and were always at ease.

Rob was one of six founders of the Mesh Conference which was my favourite tech conferences at that time. Rob connected so many of us in the tech startup scene and was available whether you needed full guns or a helping hand. He immediately helped me identify bloviating legalize negotiating the sale of a company or taking on a new position.

I remember several years ago when Rob and his wife Victoria hosted Toronto tech alumni in their restaurant Honest Weight. I was reminded of all the connections that he had made between us over the years as I spent the evening rekindling old connections.

His passion for championing startups is only matched by food, photography, politics, and the open road on two motorized wheels. I enjoy living vicariously through Rob’s annual trek to his family home in PEI and various motorcycle excursions. He has led the way in showing the rest of us how to live your life first, and work remotely second.

LinkedIn: /robhyndman

Twitter: @rhh

Michael Glenn
Father, husband, son, grandson, brother, programmer, entrepreneur, photographer, DJ, chef, sailor, mountain biker. Software management consulting.

Lee Dale


Martin Kuplens-Ewart