Sean Martell


In 2003 I founded the agency Radiant Core with four partners. Sean Martell was introduced to me by Jay Goldman, one of the other partners. Very quickly I realized why Jay wanted to have Sean as part of our team.

Sean is one of the most talented artists I’ve ever met. A love of art, innate talent, and years of dedication to his craft makes his work seem almost effortless. Yet when working with Sean I saw the incredible level of detail and dedication with which he worked. When designing a new look and feel for the Firefox web browser contract we had, I watched Sean go back and forth for what seemed like days to get a door handle on the icon of a house to just the correct height. Later in that contract when we were flown down to Mountain View I saw Sean dive into a new mascot design for Firefox. While the reset of us were revelling in the completion of the overall project, Sean continued to work on his incredible caricature for hours because of his passion for producing excellent work.

A few years after departing Radiant Core Sean joined the familiar Mozilla to work on their staff full time. I watched over social media and through the marketing of Firefox his continuing talents applied. In some instances Sean even live-streamed his work on new marketing material and new logos. Always fascinating to watch.

I would also put Sean into the category of funniest people I know. There is something in the water or the genes of Eastern Canadians that consistently makes them some of the funniest people in our country. I remember endless days where my side hurt from Sean casually making jokes or Simpsons references. Definitely the kind of personality you want to keep the mood light when you’re grinding away on work.

I’m pleased to see Sean was able to move back to the East Coast after a long stint working for Mozilla. I was pleasantly surprised to see he has made transition to the up and coming search engine DuckDuckGo as Director, Brand Design where he will no doubt inject his incredible talent and infectious personality.

LinkedIn: /seanmartell

Twitter: @mart3ll

Michael Glenn
Father, husband, son, grandson, brother, programmer, entrepreneur, photographer, DJ, chef, sailor, mountain biker. Software management consulting.

Dana Grant Williams


Andrew Go