Christie Schemmer


Most people you work with will not be completely honest with you. We need to get along with our coworkers and worry they’ll resent us for constructive criticism. The truth is you need a confidant that gives you the honest truth. Someone who knows you well and that you can trust to give you feedback you need.

31 years ago I met that person, but I wouldn’t know if for another nine years.

Christie is an incredibly strong person. I first saw her determination though sports in high school. Softball, basketball, and cross country running. Christie pushed herself to be the best she could be in each discipline. She exemplified this later on in university by getting up before the sun to train for the varsity rowing team. She continues to work as hard as she possibly can in physical fitness, both through consistency and  rigorous education. I can’t hold a candle to her discipline but I know I’ll always push harder when I think about the effort she puts in.

Christie takes her discipline and applies it to hard work. Whether it be physical or mental she puts in the time required to prepare and considers minute details.  Over the years I’ve watched her wrangle incredibly detailed projects and meticulously plan events. Being prepared is a trait I continually try to be better at by taking her examples. 

She is unabashedly thoughtful. She will not arriving on an invitation without considering a gift. She makes sure to consider the feelings of everyone around her when engaging. My favourite suggestion from her when I wasn’t sure what to talk about in social situations is to ask questions. Don’t talk about yourself so much. Make sure to get to know people and ask them about themselves. It’s remarkable how much better a conversation goes when you ask more questions and talk less. 

She is an unbelievably loving and considerate mother. I watch with amazement at the care and detail she puts into our children’s educational, mental and physical well being. There is a balance that she tries to continually maintain that I often overlook. She always takes the time to consider a situation from our children’s point of view. What are they thinking and how are they feeling? She has taught me to apply empathy more frequently.  Not only with our children but in everyday situations.

Finally, she is honest. Brutally honest sometimes. We are most honest and forthcoming with the people we care about, with family and close friends. Christie often knows me better than I know myself. She will challenge me to be better and forces me to confront the tough issues. More of us need that one person who we can trust to tell the truth and to care that we become better people everyday. 

After university we connected again becoming closer friends. I couldn’t help the fact that I was deeply connected and in love with her. In 2007 we married and it was the best day and best decision I’ve every made. I’m very fortunate to have found a partner in life that I can admire and aspire to be like. That helps me to continually become a better person.

Thank you Christie for changing my life and being the number one person on #My52. Happy Birthday.

All my love, Michael.

Michael Glenn
Father, husband, son, grandson, brother, programmer, entrepreneur, photographer, DJ, chef, sailor, mountain biker. Software management consulting.

Michael Branco


David Pasieka