David Pasieka


During my time at Zerofootprint we struggled to get a hold in the marketplace. We had a great service and product, measuring a company’s carbon footprint, that was ahead of its time.

I learned form David Pasieka that Leadership is not just about experience and skill but about inspiration and motivation. You need to create an environment that employees want to come to even if the market is against you and you’re struggling to find traction.

David joined the company and immediately introduced himself with up-beat energy focusing on team building and cohesion. During his interactions with all employees David was almost always energetic. It was important to spread positivity in an environment where people were often down or frustrated due to a difficult market or product pivots.

I remember David connecting with the management team by inviting them to his home for dinner. It meant a lot to everyone that we felt like a connected team and were in the effort together. Making a personal connection with the people you work with helps with motivation and with trust.

I always enjoyed coming into the office to work with David. A positive attitude and infectious energy makes a huge difference in how you feel. I tried to bring this level of energy and positivity into future roles. It makes me feel better about working and spends a little positivity throughout the office. It’s important to remind your co-workers that their presence and the work they do makes a difference.

David continues to spread positivity and improvement though coaching and advisory services at his consultancy practice, Cedarvue. His positive influence on my past performance is why he’s part of #My52.

LinkedIn: davidpasieka

Michael Glenn
Father, husband, son, grandson, brother, programmer, entrepreneur, photographer, DJ, chef, sailor, mountain biker. Software management consulting.

Christie Schemmer


Jürgen Schemmer