Jürgen Schemmer


I married my wife, Christie Schemmer, in 2007. I didn’t fully realize at the time the bar that had been set for me as a husband and a father. 

My father in-law, Jürgen, is a multi-success entrepreneur. I have been entertained listening to stories of him travelling Canada, coast to coast multiple times at a young age doing sales for his father’s cosmetics business. How he ventured out to gain independence by moving to Germany for a year to do sales.

He founded a successful cosmetics company Sonora on his return to Canada while raising a family in Toronto and Aurora. 

Jürgen eventually exited the cosmetics business and built a successful company again selling whitening toothpaste and related products under the name Natural White. 

After selling Natural White Jürgen made a final venture before retirement into the world of dentistry starting Curozone to prevent cavities with ozone technology. 

I have been privileged to go on a few vacations with my in-laws and spend many weekends at their cottage. I am always impressed by Jürgen’s level of urgency. It may be something as simple as leaving at 6:30AM to be at the stores by 7AM when they open to ensure the family has what they need when they wake up. Or, if something was broken or needed repairs Jürgen was on the phone immediately trying to find an expert to correct the issue. 

Whether in business or personal affairs Jürgen wastes no time to get things taken care of and ensuring his family has fantastic life experiences. My wife grew up with a successful, energetic, spontaneous father who put his family first. It’s why she tries to make sure our family has diverse experiences that we’ll remember fondly.

Seeing what urgency and grit can do for you is educational. Jürgen has taken entrepreneurial risks but has backed them up by putting 100% of himself into it. The results don’t alway play out the way he would have hoped, but no one can fault him for the effort. I’ve always been impressed and inspired by Jürgen and I am forever grateful for the experiences he has provided us and the example he has set for myself, his children and grandchildren. 

Happy Birthday Jürgen. Thank you for being part of My52. 

Social Media: None (old school)

Michael Glenn
Father, husband, son, grandson, brother, programmer, entrepreneur, photographer, DJ, chef, sailor, mountain biker. Software management consulting.

David Pasieka


Amber Mac