Michael Branco


Sometimes you just click with someone. I met Michael in university. He was taking computer science as well at The University of Western Ontario. Michael and I would spend many nights at Prince Albert’s Diner philosophizing and dreaming about the future of technology and business beyond our time at University. Michael is always full of energy and new ideas. 

Michael would return to his Native Bermuda where I knew he would do big things. During a visit after university I could see how he was already building the necessary local networks. Once back on the island he could see where technology needs were not being met and  would be one of Bermuda’s top minds to fill that need. 

Michael quickly joined the world of IT consulting learning the ropes at seasoned companies and bringing his newly minted software development skills and already substantial IT knowledge to bear.  Eventually, as I knew would happen, he ventured out on his own with Fireminds consulting full time, providing IT services for Bermuda and eventually expanding to the Caribbean, Latin America and North America. 

I’ve always admired Michael’s ability to focus on accomplishing a goal. Whether it be training towards a martial arts black belt or building Bermuda’s number one IT firm he envisions his future and diligently does what needs to be done to get there.

Michael continues to grow the Fireminds brand and business. From brainstorms at university to his present day success, Michael’s consistency and success are an inspiration for me. That’s why he will always be a great friend and part of My 52. 

LinkedIn: /michaelbranco

Web: Fireminds

Michael Glenn
Father, husband, son, grandson, brother, programmer, entrepreneur, photographer, DJ, chef, sailor, mountain biker. Software management consulting.

Vikram Luthra


Christie Schemmer